When I say PC what do you think of?  Maybe you think of “Personal Computer” or “Politically Correct”.  It is the Christmas season and the secular world is interested in selling items for gifts, companies making lots of money, people taking time off their jobs, eating food, watching sports, or taking vacations to name a few. A day set aside in days past to remember and honor the birth of Jesus Christ has been watered down.

I’m RW and let’s have a fireside chat about “PC = Protect Christ”

I can remember as a child hearing and seeing “Merry Christmas” everywhere I went.  Then throughout the past several years there has been a shift from “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays”.  Other notices are “Christmas Tree” to “Holiday Tree” or “Christmas Party” to “Holiday Party”.  Christmas represents the birth of our Lord and Savior (Luke 2:1-20).  As this shift happened I really did not see the Christian nation speaking out against the shift.  As a Christian what are you doing to protect Christ during the Christmas season?   For me I say Merry Christmas to those I encounter.   I send out Christmas cards saying “Merry Christmas”.  If the answer is nothing why is that so?  If you are doing something do you continue it all year long and not just at Christmas time?  It is interesting to me how the world is trying to remove the word Christmas but most people don’t have an issue with taking Christmas off from work with pay.  I do not hear anyone saying “I want to work on December 25th because I do not believe in Christmas”.  Jesus is the reason for the season.  

God sent his only Son (Matthew 1:21 and John 3:16) to be born into this sinful world (Luke 2:1-20) to die for your and my sins (Romans 6:23). Jesus was the Messiah who was the ultimate gift from God. Christmas is the beginning of the story for the God-Man. Easter represents the victory we have in Christ. No one was born to take away sin but Jesus.  So when it comes to Christmas remember it is not about gifts, parties, sports, or food – It is about Christ.  Now, I do enjoy those things but the priority and focus has to be on Christ first. Is Christ invited and included in your events and celebrations?  There are so many people including Christians who get caught up in the secular aspects of Christmas which are not the main reason for the season.  Remember Christ first.  If you have been blessed and led by Christ to buy gifts or host a gathering, use each of these as opportunities to show His love and be a blessing to others.

As you go through the Christmas season take notice of the things around you.  Take note of what you see and words you hear.  I want to encourage you to PC (Protect Christ).    Christmas is a time of joy because the birth of our Savior.  The secular world will do what it can to not recognize Christ; do not let that discourage you – let it be an encouragement.  In the words of a dear friend “Do not let anyone take or steal your joy.  Remember who you have inside you and that will keep your focus on Jesus and the joy you can find only in Him.”

Happy Birthday Jesus and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family from my family.

Protect the Brand of Jesus Christ

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